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Matthew Drury
  • Member for 9 years, 4 months
  • Last seen this week
11 votes

Conditional Mean in Linear Regression

5 votes

Prove $Y=X$ almost surely given they have the same distribution and $Y$ is an increasing function of $X$

25 votes

What is use of Tweedie or poisson loss/objective function in XGboost and Deep learning models

5 votes

A question about conditional probability

71 votes

Why use regularisation in polynomial regression instead of lowering the degree?

43 votes

Understanding complete separation for logistic regression

5 votes

How to "squish" a range of numbers to the same spread between 0 and 1

6 votes

GBM: impact of the loss function

2 votes

Evaluating Logistic Regression

8 votes

Visualizing the hinge loss and 0-1 loss

5 votes

Understanding the weak learners in boosting

2 votes

Applying de-standardised ridge regression coefficients to new test data - how to best handle the mean of y_test?

5 votes

Can someone explain why neural networks are highly parameterized?

4 votes

Adjusting classification thresholds based on test set predictions

8 votes

Does XGBoost has anything to do with logistic regression?

5 votes

Uniform random variable is greater by a constant from another uniform random variable

6 votes

For simple linear regression, is $\beta_1$ linear in $y_i$?

3 votes

Is there a bootstrap 're-sampling the residuals' equivalent for GLM?

14 votes

Do all bounded probability distributions have a definite mean?

3 votes

Variable is not statistically significant in single variable linear regression but is significant in multiple regression

1 vote

Machine Learning - Bagging

2 votes

Is there a Status Machine Chart?

55 votes

How to apply standardization/normalization to train- and testset if prediction is the goal?

3 votes

Model Decreasing in Accuracy With More Training Data

2 votes

disadvantages of svm

1 vote

Should loss function be defined over output or parameters?

42 votes

Is a model fitted to data or is data fitted to a model?

9 votes

Need help understanding what a natural log transformation is actually doing and why specific transformations are required for linear regression

20 votes

Why does Central Limit Theorem break down in my simulation?

1 vote

2-step linear regression

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