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Nuclear Hoagie's user avatar
Nuclear Hoagie's user avatar
Nuclear Hoagie
  • Member for 9 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
65 votes

Two dice rolls - same number in sequence

32 votes

How to calculate standard deviation when only mean of the data and sample size is available?

26 votes

Should parsimony really still be the gold standard?

22 votes

Can you be 93.75% confident from a random sample of only five from a population of 10 000?

20 votes

Sample two numbers from 1 to 10; maximize the expected product

20 votes

0-1 Loss Function explanation

19 votes

If "Standard error" and "Confidence intervals" measure precision of measurement, then what are the measurements of accuracy?

18 votes

KNN: 1-nearest neighbor

18 votes

How to explain 1.5 children?

12 votes

Why is large amounts of censoring bad in survival analysis?

12 votes

Success Stories of "Statistics"?

12 votes

Null Hypothesis when sample is already true

11 votes

What is the meaning of "gold data"?

11 votes

If A is distributed uniformly on [8,10] and B on [9,11], what is the probability that B<A?

11 votes

Am I allowed to average the list of precision and recall after k-fold cross validation?

10 votes

Median > Mode > Mean > Range

9 votes

In residual sum of squares, why do we need to square?

9 votes

Standard Deviation (SD) vs. Coefficient of Variation (CV)

9 votes

Counting samples seem to not be Poisson distributed, need sanity check

9 votes

What if we can't find the difference in AB test?

8 votes

Chi squared for goodnes of fit test always rejects my fits

8 votes

How do I know if I'm seeing Simpson's paradox?

8 votes

Can Positive Values of Observations imply Population Positive Mean?

8 votes

Why is the p-value so low here?

8 votes

Will non-linear data always become linear in high dimension?

8 votes

How is an RNN (or any neural network) a parametric model?

7 votes

Why should we shuffle data while training a neural network?

7 votes

Simple real world examples for teaching Bayesian statistics?

7 votes

How do you recalculate the probability density function if some time has passed and the event has yet to occur?

7 votes

Interview Question: What is the probability they will be home in more than 30 minutes?

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