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dsaxton's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
48 votes

Roll a die until it lands on any number other than 4. What is the probability the result is > 4?

30 votes

Regression to the mean vs gambler's fallacy

29 votes

What is the distribution of sample means of a Cauchy distribution?

22 votes

Why sigmoid function instead of anything else?

19 votes

What are the most common biases humans make when collecting or interpreting data?

17 votes

What information does a Box Plot provide that a Histogram does not?

17 votes

Understanding the proof of sample mean being unbiased estimator of population mean in Simple Random Sampling Without Replacement (SRSWOR)

17 votes

How does one explain what an unbiased estimator is to a layperson?

15 votes

What is the difference between prediction and inference?

15 votes

Is a fat tail same as skew

14 votes

Should parsimony really still be the gold standard?

14 votes

What is "Multinomial Deviance" in the glmnet package?

12 votes

Why would parametric statistics ever be preferred over nonparametric?

12 votes

What do confidence intervals say about precision (if anything)?

12 votes

Explaining The Variance of a Regression Model

11 votes

What's rollout policy in AlphaGo's paper?

11 votes

Why is Bonferroni considered a conservative multiple comparison tool?

11 votes

Does $E|X|<\infty$ and $E|Y|<\infty$ imply that $E|XY|<\infty$?

10 votes

Bayes classifier?

10 votes

Expected value of a natural logarithm

10 votes

Estimating the probability in a Bernoulli process by sampling until 10 failures: is it biased?

9 votes

Given a draw from one of two overlapping normal distributions, what is the probability it came from one vs. the other?

9 votes

Minimum / Maximum and other Advanced Properties of the Covariance of Two Random Variables

9 votes

Is it impossible to pick 7 (or some number) from a cardinally infinite set? (Aleph-0)

9 votes

Relationship between F and Student's t distributions

9 votes

How to prove Berkson's Fallacy?

9 votes

How to compute Deviance Statistic for a simple Logistic Regression Model in the case that any $n_i = y_i$?

9 votes

Is AUC the probability of correctly classifying a randomly selected instance from each class?

9 votes

MLE of multivariate normal distribution with diagonal covariance matrix

9 votes

Compound Poisson random variable

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