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Matthew Gray's user avatar
Matthew Gray
  • Member for 8 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
  • Berkeley, CA
9 votes

Understanding distance correlation computations

7 votes

How many rolls to have a 90% chance of reaching average

6 votes

Additivity of Shannon's entropy

6 votes

randomly generate either -1 or 1

5 votes

Extrapolating from a filtered data set

5 votes

Meaning of expected value of ratio $\mathbb{E}\bigg(\frac{S_t}{S_{t-1}}\bigg)=1$?

4 votes

Probability that a family contains atleast one male and atleast one female child

4 votes

Likelihood of observations for HMM with continuous state and observation distributions

3 votes

Bayes theorem applied correctly on client churn?

3 votes

Scatterplot between independent and dependent variable has two patterns

3 votes

Calculating Bayesian posterior distribution for an exponential distribution

3 votes

Any examples of generalisation of simpson's paradox to other metrics

3 votes

Probability of people not facing their partner at a round table

2 votes

Reward function for grid based path planning deep Q-learning agent

2 votes

What is the difference between a neural network and a deep neural network, and why do the deep ones work better?

2 votes

Scale variable as count data - correct or not?

2 votes

Interpreting temporal trends and selecting predictors in regression models

2 votes

Non-parametric test that handles ties in data?

1 vote

How to compare predictive power of sports odds

1 vote

How do I show correlation with the "fat head" and "long tail" of a distribution?

1 vote

100-Dollar Game Responses as Predictor

1 vote

Calculate median for count data

1 vote

Number of false positives after Bonferroni or FDR

1 vote

Probabilistic deletion of elements from a set

1 vote

Normality of Residuals

1 vote

Normal Distribution question?

1 vote

Fitting a linear relationship, not a standard linear regression model (in Python)

1 vote

Training a Neural Network where each class can be linearly divided into sub-classes

1 vote

Is RSS decreasing or non-increasing

1 vote

Calculating average percentage from a set of pair percentages