Martin O'Leary's user avatar
Martin O'Leary's user avatar
Martin O'Leary's user avatar
Martin O'Leary
  • Member for 12 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than 8 years ago
63 votes

Why would R return NA as a lm() coefficient?

43 votes

Weibull Distribution v/s Gamma Distribution

24 votes

Is there a formula or rule for determining the correct sampSize for a randomForest?

21 votes

Gradient descent vs lm() function in R?

15 votes

Correlation between matrices in R

13 votes

randomForest and variable importance bug?

8 votes

Literature on this kind of bias

8 votes

Measuring individual player effectiveness in 2-player per team sports

7 votes

Regarding the R packages that share the similar functionalities of NLTK toolkit

7 votes

Increase training performance of a neural network with low learning rate?

7 votes

Why adding an NA indicator column instead of value imputation (for randomForest)

6 votes

The dangers of stepwise variable selection in regression

6 votes

Custom error function for randomForest R package

6 votes

The Birthday Problem, revisited...?

6 votes

What are the advantages / disadvantages of using splines, smoothed splines, and gaussian process emulators?

5 votes

Using SparseM/Matrix Sparse Matrix in training SVM from e1071 returning different results from same data in standard matrix

5 votes

SVD of a matrix with missing values

4 votes

How can I group strings by common themes?

3 votes

Is an implementation of a density function for a logit-normal distribution available in R?

3 votes

Is Perkins et al.'s "skill score" an application of Bayes' theorem?

3 votes

How to get coefficients from princomp object in R?

3 votes

Probability of a randomly generated string being already present in a data set

3 votes

How to help people understand "...per 100,000"?

3 votes

Recommendations for MRI classification in R of large dataset (n=100, p=20000)

2 votes

What is the relationship between the normal and the t-distribution in R (pt and pnorm)?

2 votes

Estimate The Rate At Which Standard Deviation Scales With An Independent Variable

2 votes

Sampling with inclusion/exclusion criteria from known distribution

2 votes

Bracket Theory and Probability

2 votes

Mutual information with a Dirac delta type pdf

2 votes

Good algorithm for processing positional estimates