It is correct that, we can obtain an AR(p) representation for $X_t^2$ if $X_t$ follows an ARCH(p) process and an ARMA(max(p,q),p) representation for $X_t^2$ if $X_t$ follows a GARCH(p,q) process (see this questions - the generalization to the GARCH case is obvious).
The reason why we are using a GARCH type of model is that we want to model the conditional volatility and not interested in modelling the squared observations. We take the squared observations to be a "realized measure" or signal of volatility.
Assume that we are interested in forecasting, then for the AR(1) model, we have
\sigma_{t+1}^2 = E_t[x_{t+1}^2] = w + \alpha E_t[x_t^2] + E_t[x_{t+1}^2 - \sigma^2_{t+1}] = w + \alpha x_t^2
Thus, the forecasting equation corresponds to ARCH recursion.
Typically, one sets up the (quasi)-loglikelihood of the GARCH model and maximizes it to get parameter estimates. Your "strategy" suggests a potential way of estimating ARCH type models described in Chapter 6 of Francq and Zakoian's book "GARCH Models: Structure, Statistical Inference and Financial Applications" (2010).
To sum up. The simple answer to your question is that we are using GARCH type models because we want to model the conditional volatility!