I am trying to fit a multivariate linear regression model with approximately 60 predictor variables and 30 observations, so I am using the glmnet package for regularized regression because p>n.
I have been going through documentation and other questions but I still can't interpret the results, here's a sample code (with 20 predictors and 10 observations to simplify):
I create a matrix x with num rows = num observations and num cols = num predictors and a vector y which represents the response variable
> x=matrix(rnorm(10*20),10,20)
> y=rnorm(10)
I fit a glmnet model leaving alpha as default (= 1 for lasso penalty)
> fit1=glmnet(x,y)
> print(fit1)
I understand I get different predictions with decreasing values of lambda (i.e. penalty)
Call: glmnet(x = x, y = y)
Df %Dev Lambda
[1,] 0 0.00000 0.890700
[2,] 1 0.06159 0.850200
[3,] 1 0.11770 0.811500
[4,] 1 0.16880 0.774600
[96,] 10 0.99740 0.010730
[97,] 10 0.99760 0.010240
[98,] 10 0.99780 0.009775
[99,] 10 0.99800 0.009331
[100,] 10 0.99820 0.008907
Now I predict my Beta values choosing, for example, the smallest lambda value given from glmnet
> predict(fit1,type="coef", s = 0.008907)
21 x 1 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
(Intercept) -0.08872364
V1 0.23734885
V2 -0.35472137
V3 -0.08088463
V4 .
V5 .
V6 .
V7 0.31127123
V8 .
V9 .
V10 .
V11 0.10636867
V12 .
V13 -0.20328200
V14 -0.77717745
V15 .
V16 -0.25924281
V17 .
V18 .
V19 -0.57989929
V20 -0.22522859
If instead I choose lambda with
cv <- cv.glmnet(x,y)
All of the variables would be (.).
Doubts and questions:
- I am not sure about how to choose lambda.
- Should I use the non (.) variables to fit another model? In my case I would like to keep as much variables as possible.
- How do I know the p-value, i.e. which variables significantly predict the response?
I apologize for my poor statistical knowledge! And thank you for any help.