Im trying to use silhouette plot to determine the number of cluster in my dataset. Given the dataset Train , i used the following matlab code
>Train_data = full(Train); Result = []; for num_of_cluster = 1:20 centroid = kmeans(Train_data,num_of_cluster,'distance','sqeuclid'); s = silhouette(Train_data,centroid,'sqeuclid'); Result = [ Result; num_of_cluster mean(s)]; end plot( Result(:,1),Result(:,2),'r*-.');
Train_data = full(Train);
Result = [];
for num_of_cluster = 1:20
centroid = kmeans(Train_data,num_of_cluster,'distance','sqeuclid');
s = silhouette(Train_data,centroid,'sqeuclid');
Result = [ Result; num_of_cluster mean(s)];
plot( Result(:,1),Result(:,2),'r*-.');`
The resultant plot is given below with xaxis as number of cluster and yaxis mean of silhouette value.
How do i interpret this graph? How do i determine the number of cluster from this?