From your question, I understood (hopefully correctly) that you want to estimate the next observation, given the observations up to now. Let $y_{1:N} = Y$ the N observations you have seen until now and let $\Theta$ be the parameters of the HMM. Then you want to infer the probability of the next observation given the already observed data, which can be expressed as:
$$ P(y_{N+1}|y_{1:N}=Y,\Theta)$$
If this is what you want, the above conditional expression is equal to : $$ P(y_{N+1}|y_{1:N}=Y,\Theta) = \dfrac{P(y_{1:N}=Y, y_{N+1}|\Theta)}{P(y_{1:N}=Y|\Theta)}$$
Note that the denominator is independent from $y_{N+1}$. So, it is:
$$ P(y_{N+1}|y_{1:N}=Y,\Theta) \propto P(y_{1:N}=Y, y_{N+1}|\Theta)$$
A brute force approach is the following:
For each of your possible observations, $y_{N+1}=Click, y_{N+1}=Scroll$ etc, calculate the likelihood of the sequences $y_{1:N+1}$. So what you need to calculate is $P(y_{N+1}=Click,y_{1:N}=Y|\Theta)$ , $P(y_{N+1}=Scroll,y_{1:N}=Y|\Theta)$, etc. for each of your possible observation sequences. Then the $y_{N+1}$ which gives the maximum likelihood can be estimated as the best guess for the next observation. Note that each of these likelihood calculations are theis a straightforward applicationsapplication of the forward pass algorithm, which corresponds to one of the three problems of HMMs, the: The calculation of the likelihood of a observation sequence. You have stated this in b) in your question.
Hope this helps.