letLet us consider the following two probability distributiondistributions
0.01 0.002
0.02 0.004
0.03 0.006
0.04 0.008
0.05 0.01
0.06 0.012
0.07 0.014
0.08 0.016
0.64 0.928
iI have have calculated kullbackKullback-leiblerLeibler divergence which is equal $0.492820258$,i I want to know in generall whatgeneral what does this number shows me?generally Kullback Generally, Kullback-Leibler divergence shows me how far is one probability distribution from another, right?it It is similar to entropy terminology,but but in terms of numbernumbers,how can i say let says what does it mean? If I have a result isof result of 0.49 cna i, can I say that approximatelyapproximately one distribution is far from another by by 50%? or?thanks in advance