Of course, bear in mind that, as many other answerers have already mentioned, the null hypothesis is not chosen at random -- instead, it is usually chosen specifically specifically because, based on prior theory, the scientist believes it to be false. Unfortunately, it is hard to quantify the proportion of times that scientists are correct in their predictions, but bear in mind that, when scientists are dealing with the "$H_0$ is false" column, they should be worried about false negatives rather than false positives.
Publication bias is not the only way that, under the null hypothesis, the probability of publishing a significant result will be greater than $\alpha$. When used improperly, certain areas of flexibility in the design of studies and analysis of data, which are sometimes labeled researcher degrees of freedom (Simmons, Nelson, & Simonsohn, 2011), can increase the rate of false positives, even when there is no publication bias. For example, if we assume that, upon obtaining a non-significant result, all (or some) scientists will exclude one outlying data point if this exclusion will change the non-significant result into a significant one, the rate of false positives will be highergreater than .05$\alpha$. Given the presence of a large enough number of questionable research practices, the rate of false positives can go as high as 60%.60 even if the nominal rate was set at .05 (Simmons, Nelson, & Simonsohn, 2011).
It's important to note that the improper use of researcher degrees of freedom (which is sometimes known as a questionable research practice; Martinson, Anderson, & de Vries, 2005) is not the same as making up data. In some cases, excluding outliers is the right thing to do, either because equipment fails or for some other reason. The key issue is that, in the presence of researcher degrees of freedom, the method ofdecisions made during analysis is often dependentdepend on how the data that are obtainedturn out (Gelman & Loken, 2014), even if the researchers in question are not aware of this fact. As long as researchers use researcher degrees of freedom (consciously or unconsciously) to increase the probability of a significant result (perhaps because significant results are more "publishable"), the presence of researcher degrees of freedom will overpopulate a research literature with false positives in the same way as publication bias.
Fundamentally, I agree with your intuition that null hypothesis significance testing can go wrong. However, I would argue that the true culprits producing a high rate of false positives are processes like publication bias and the presence of researcher degrees of freedom. Indeed, many scientists are well aware of these problems, and improving scientific reproducability is a very active current topic of discussion (e.g., Nosek & Bar-Anan, 2012; Nosek, Spies, & Motyl, 2012). So you are in good company with your concerns, but I also think there are also reasons for some cautious optimism.