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GLMR's (family=binomial)glm function for generalized linear models is foucusd ona logistic regression when the response is dichotomous(yes/no, male/female, etc..) and the family parameter is passed the argument binomial. I'm wondering how to judge if the model we built is good eough? As we know, in OLS regression some criterion like R^2 and adjusted R^2 can tell us how much variations are explained but not for GLM. See example I performed:

GLM (family=binomial) is foucusd on when the response is dichotomous(yes/no, male/female, etc..). I'm wondering how to judge if the model we built is good eough? As we know, in OLS regression some criterion like R^2 and adjusted R^2 can tell us how much variations are explained but not for GLM. See example I performed:

R's glm function for generalized linear models is a logistic regression when the response is dichotomous(yes/no, male/female, etc..) and the family parameter is passed the argument binomial. I'm wondering how to judge if the model we built is good eough? As we know, in OLS regression some criterion like R^2 and adjusted R^2 can tell us how much variations are explained but not for GLM. See example I performed:

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Selecting the best GLM (generalized linear model)

GLM (family=binomial) is foucusd on when the response is dichotomous(yes/no, male/female, etc..). I'm wondering how to judge if the model we built is good eough? As we know, in OLS regression some criterion like R^2 and adjusted R^2 can tell us how much variations are explained but not for GLM. See example I performed:

    > summary(fit.full)
    glm(formula = ynaffair ~ gender + age + yearsmarried + children + 
    +religiousness + education + occupation + rating, family = binomial(), 
    data = Affairs)

    Deviance Residuals: 
    Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
    -1.6575  -0.7459  -0.5714  -0.2552   2.5099  

                  Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
    (Intercept)    0.71792    0.96165   0.747 0.455336    
    gendermale     0.28665    0.23973   1.196 0.231811    
    age           -0.04494    0.01831  -2.454 0.014142 *  
    yearsmarried   0.09686    0.03236   2.993 0.002758 ** 
    childrenyes    0.37088    0.29466   1.259 0.208147    
    religiousness -0.32230    0.09003  -3.580 0.000344 ***
    education      0.01795    0.05088   0.353 0.724329    
    occupation     0.03210    0.07194   0.446 0.655444    
    rating2       -0.02312    0.58177  -0.040 0.968303    
    rating3       -0.84532    0.57619  -1.467 0.142354    
    rating4       -1.13916    0.55740  -2.044 0.040981 *  
    rating5       -1.61050    0.56649  -2.843 0.004470 ** 
    Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

    (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 675.38  on 600  degrees of freedom
    Residual deviance: 608.22  on 589  degrees of freedom
    AIC: 632.22

After removed the insignificant variables, the reduced model look like below,although the AIC decreasd, we still do not know if this is the model with the lowest AIC we can achieved:

    > summary(fit.reduced)
    glm(formula = ynaffair ~ age + yearsmarried + religiousness + 
        +rating, family = binomial(), data = Affairs)

    Deviance Residuals: 
    Min        1Q      Median      3Q      Max  
   -1.5117  -0.7541  -0.5722  -0.2592   2.4123  

                  Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
    (Intercept)    1.10220    0.71849   1.534 0.125014    
    age           -0.03588    0.01740  -2.062 0.039224 *  
    yearsmarried   0.10113    0.02933   3.448 0.000565 ***
    religiousness -0.32571    0.08971  -3.631 0.000282 ***
    rating2        0.11848    0.57258   0.207 0.836068    
    rating3       -0.70168    0.56671  -1.238 0.215658    
    rating4       -0.96190    0.54230  -1.774 0.076109 .  
    rating5       -1.49502    0.55550  -2.691 0.007118 ** 
    Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

    (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 675.38  on 600  degrees of freedom
    Residual deviance: 613.63  on 593  degrees of freedom
    AIC: 629.63

And we perform the ANOVA, suggesting that the reduced model with four predictors fits as well as the full model:

    > anova(fit.reduced, fit.full, test="Chisq")
    Analysis of Deviance Table

    Model 1: ynaffair ~ age + yearsmarried + religiousness + +rating
    Model 2: ynaffair ~ gender + age + yearsmarried + children + 
             +religiousness + education + occupation + rating
    Resid. Df Resid. Dev Df Deviance Pr(>Chi)
     1       593     613.63                     
     2       589     608.22  4   5.4124   0.2475