Red line is flat because $\lambda$ is being selected in the inner loop and the outer-loop performance is not measured across the whole range of $\lambda$'s. If simple cross-validation were biased, then the minimum of the blue curve would be below the red line. But this is not the case.
It actually is the case :-) It is just that the difference is tiny. Here is the zoom-in:
One potentially misleading thing here is that my error bars (shadings) are huge, but the nested and the simple CVs can be (and were) conducted with the same training/test splits. So the comparison between them is paired, as hinted by @Dikran in the comments. So let's take a difference between the nested CV error and the simple CV error (for the $\lambda=0.002$ that corresponds to the minimum on my blue curve); again, on each fold, these two errors are computed on the same testing set. Plotting this difference across $50$ training/test splits, I get the following:
Zeros correspond to splits where the inner CV loop also yielded $\lambda=0.002$ (it happens almost half of the times). On average, the difference tends to be positive, i.e. nested CV has a slightly higher error. In other words, simple CV demonstrates a minuscule, but optimistic bias.
(I ran the whole procedure a couple of times, and it happens every time.)
My question is, under what conditions can we expect this bias to be minuscule, and under what conditions should we not?