Unfortunately, this question does not have a good answer. You can choose the best model based on the fact that it minimizes absolute error, squared error, maximizes likelihood, using some criteria that penalizes likelihood (e.g. AIC, BIC) to mention just a few most common choices. The problem is that neither of those criteria will let you choose the objectively best model, but rather the best from which you compared. Another problem is that while optimizing you can always end up in some local maximum/minimum. Yet another problem is that your choice of criteria for model selection is subjective. In many cases you consciously, or semi-consciously, make a decision on what you are interested in and choose the criteria based on this. For exampleexample, using BIC rather than AIC leads to more parsimonious models, with less parameters. Usually, for modeling you are interested in more parsimonious models that lead to some general conclusions about the universe, while for predicting it doesn't have to be so and sometimes more complicated model can have better predictive power (but does not have to and often it does not). In yet other cases, sometimes more complicated models are preferred for practical reasons, for example while estimating Bayesian model with MCMC, model with hierarchical hyperpriorshyperpriors can behave better in simulation than the simpler one. On the other hand, generally we are afraid of overfittingoverfitting and the simpler model has the lower risk of overfitting, so it is a safer choice. Nice example for this is a automatic stepwise model selectionstepwise model selection that is generally not recommended because it easily leads to overfitted and biased estimates. There is also a philosophical argument, Occam's razor, that the simplest model is the preferred one. Notice also, that we are discussing here comparing different models, while in real life situations it also can be so that using different statistical tools can lead to different results - so there is an additional layer of choosing the method!