The answer seems to be that the resampling process needs to take account of the structure of the data. There is a nice explanation here (along with some R code to implement this).
Thanks to the pointer from the UCLA Statistical Consulting Group.
I have written a speedier (but less flexible) version of the code snippet linked to above - check here for updates and details.
rsample2 <- function(data=tdt, id.unit=id.u, id.cluster=id.c) {
# Generate within cluster ID (needed for the sample command)
tdt[, "id.within" := .SD[,.I], by=id.cluster, with=FALSE]
# Random sample of sites
bdt <- data.table(sample(unique(tdt[[id.cluster]]), replace=TRUE))
# Use random sample of sites to select from original data
# then
# within each site sample with replacement using the within site ID
bdt <- tdt[bdt, .SD[sample(.SD$id.within, replace=TRUE)],by=.EACHI]
# return data sampled with replacement respecting clusters
bdt[, id.within := NULL] # drop id.within