In the second paragraph of Section 10.411.3 in Machine Learning A Probabilistic Perspective, the author concisely summarizes Section 1110.34.2 by saying that for the standard bayesian model $$P({\boldsymbol\theta}|D)=\frac{P(D|{\boldsymbol\theta})P({\boldsymbol\theta})}{P(D)}$$
...when we have complete data and a factored prior, the posterior over the parameters also factorizes...
Let's take a simple example. A single observation from a bivariate normal with known covariance matrix. The associated graphical model I have in mind is $$\mu_1\rightarrow x_1\rightarrow x_2\leftarrow \mu_2$$ where $\mu=(\mu_1,\mu_2)$ are the means and $x=(x_1,x_2)$ is the single observed data point. Note that this graphical model does in fact encode the desired independence: $\mu_1\perp\mu_2\;|\;(x_1,x_2)$$(\mu_1\perp\mu_2)\;|\;(x_1,x_2)$.
For simplicities sake let's make the prior distribution uniform. Thus we have $$P(\mu)=N(0,\infty I)$$ $$P(x|\mu)=N(\mu, \Sigma)$$ where we choose the covariance matrix of the sample distribution to be $$\Sigma=\begin{bmatrix} 1 &\frac{1}{2} \\ \frac{1}{2} &1 \end{bmatrix}$$
Then the posterior distribution for $\mu$ is given by $$P(\mu|x)=N(x, \Sigma)$$ Here's the rub. The prior is clearly factorable, and the data is completely observed, yet the posterior is not factorable, since its covariance matrix is not diagonal.
So I must be incorrectly interpreting what the author means by the term 'complete data'. Could someone help me correct my misunderstanding here, it's been driving my nuts.