Just to make sure we are on the same page: You have a sequence of 1000 samples with 7 features each. There is a sequential pattern in there, which is why you process them with an RNN at. At each timestep.:
- It depends. It might get better if you use different normalizations, hard to tell.
- To me it just sounds like classification. I am not sure what you mean by ranking exactly.
- No reason to be skeptical. Normally, training error drops like that--extremly quick for few iterations, very slow afterwards.
- No, absolutely not. For some tasks, less than 100 iterations (= passes over the training set) suffice.
- You are the one who has to say whether the error is small enough. :) We can't tell you without knowing what you are using the network for.
- Hard to tell. You should use early stopping instead. Train the network until the error on some held out validation set rises--that's the moment from which on you only overfit. Use the weights found then to evaluate on a test set. (That makes it three sets: training, validation, test set).
Here are some tips that I can give:
- make sure to clamp your maximal updates to some fixed value. E.g. when you do a learning step, don't apply updates bigger than 0.1 (RPROP can already do this),
- try Long Short-Term Memory,
- try Hessian free optimization (Ilya Sutskever has code on his webpage).