Calculation formula:
- Precision: TP/(TP+FP)
- Recall: TP/(TP+FN)
- F1-score: 2/(1/P+1/R)
ROC / AUC is the same criteria and the PR (Precision-Recall) curve (F1-score, Precision, Recall) is also the same criteria.
Real data will tend to have an imbalance between positive and negative samples. This imbalance has large effect on PR but not on ROC/AUC.
So in the real world, the PR curve is used more since it is common for positive and negative samples areto be very uneven. The ROC/AUC curve does not reflect the performance of the classifier, but the PR curve can.
If you just doUse the experimentROC if you want to report experimental results in research papers, you can use the ROC,because the experimental results will be more beautiful. On anotherthe other hand, use the PR curve use in thea real-world problem, and as it has better interpretability.