I understand that Borel measurable sets are subsets of a Borel sigma algebra, which is generated by countable unions and intersections, as well as complements, of all open intervals on the real line, plus the empty set. For instance $\mathscr B(0,1]$ would be the borel sigma algebra on the interval $(0,1]$. I have also encountered the definition of a Borel sigma-algebra on a topological space $(M,\mathcal O)$ as the sigma-algebra generated by the open sets of $M$. So that $\mathscr B(0,1]$ would be generated by all the open sets in the standard topology on $(0,1]$.
However, the concept "Borel set" has also come up in finite spaces, as in this examplethis example by @whuber discussing a Polya urn problem, and making reference to the event of a red ball coming up. I can see that there is mention to the real line in the post: $\mathcal{R}_i \subset \mathbb{R}$ signifying the event that we draw a red ball at step $i$. So I can imagine the event $0_1,0_2,0_3,\cdots,1_i$ to signify that a ball was drawn on round $i$, but this is still a far cry from the "open intervals" on the real line.
How do you start considering as "open" events like drawing a red ball from an urn?
Is the use of the "Borel" label warranted because we are really referring not so much to the event, but rather the random variable, mapping the event to the real line?
The key concept is "open set". How can something so trivial as drawing balls from an urn constitute open sets? There is no soft-ball around the elementary outcome or the logical sigma algebra of $2^\Omega$.
Two clues: Firstly, there are "topological balls" around these discrete space sets, such that every singleton is an open set. And now these open sets just need to fulfill the requisites of a topological space. Done! No need for random variables!