It can simplify formulas. This works both algebraically and conceptually. Here are some examples.
Consider the regression $y = X\beta + \varepsilon$ where, as usual, the $\varepsilon$ are independent and identically distributed according to a law that has zero expectation and finite variance $\sigma^2$. Recall the The least squares solution via the Normal Equations, is $$\hat\beta = (X^\prime X)^{-1} X^\prime y.$$ Use Applying the SVD and simplifying the resulting algebraic mess (which is easy) provides a nice insight:
The only difference between this and $X^\prime = VDU^\prime$ is that the reciprocals of the elements of $D$ are used! In other words, the "equation" $y=X\beta$ is solved by "inverting" $X$: this pseudo-inversion undoes the rotations $U$ and $V^\prime$ (merely by transposing them) and undoes the multiplication (represented by $D$) separately in each principal direction.