# first load the data
dropFile <- "https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/428109976/testData.csv"
testData <- repmis::source_data(dropFile, sep = ",", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
testData$V1 <- NULL
testData$time <- lubridate::mdy_hm(testData$time)
# now let's try fitting a normal to demonstrate
for (i in unique(hour(testData$time))){
thishour <- which(hour(testData$time)==i)
fw <- fitdist(testData[thishour,]$obs, "norm", start = c(1,1))
par(mfrow = c(2, 2),oma=c(0,0,2,0))
plot.legend <- "Normal"
denscomp(list(fw), legendtext = plot.legend)
qqcomp(list(fw), legendtext = plot.legend)
cdfcomp(list(fw), legendtext = plot.legend)
ppcomp(list(fw), legendtext = plot.legend)
title(paste("For Hour", i), outer = TRUE)
# clearly a normal isn't the way to go - better would probably be a weibull or GPD, but this serves as a good example
# maybe a truncated distribution
# from here we'll contruct a joint distribution using copulas
# now capture the distributions fitted to each hour
groupDist <- function(x, time.colname="time", data.colname="obs", distribution, timeFUN = hour, startlist = NULL){
timeFUN <- match.fun(timeFUN)
distList <- list()
for (i in unique(timeFUN(x[,time.colname]))){
timeiter <- which(timeFUN(x[,time.colname])==i)
fg <- fitdist(x[timeiter, data.colname], distribution, start = startlist)
distList[[i + 1]] <- fg
fitList <- groupDist(testData, distribution = "norm", startlist = c(1,1))
param_list <- list()
for (i in seq_along(fitList)){
param_list[[i]] <- list(mean = as.numeric(fitList[[i]]$estimate[1]),
sd = as.numeric(fitList[[i]]$estimate[2]))
# now let's reorder the data so that it fits well into copula functions
testData$hour <- hour(testData$time)
testData$date <- date(testData$time)
testData$time <- NULL
wide_data <- spread(testData, hour, obs)
# for now we'll remove all rows with missing data
wide_data <- wide_data[complete.cases(wide_data[, names(wide_data) != "time"]),]
# this data doesn't fit in [0,1] as needed for `copula`, so we use pobs()
pData <- pobs(wide_data[, names(wide_data) != "time"])
# now we want to fit a copula to the data
# I'm not sure how to select which copula to use, but I suspect I need an Archimedean
# as dim > 2
# let's arbitrarily choose a Frank copula for now
frank_model <- archmCopula("frank", dim = ncol(pData))
fit.f <- fitCopula(frank_model, pData, method = 'ml')
frank_model <- archmCopula("frank", dim = ncol(pData))
fit.f <- fitCopula(frank_model, pData, method = 'ml')
# creating our joint distribution given the marginal distributions and our copula
myMvd.frank <- mvdc(copula = frankCopula(param = as.numeric(coef(fit.f)), dim = ncol(pData)),
margins = rep("norm", ncol(pData)), paramMargins = param_list)
# finally, we have the CDF of the joint distribution
cdf_frank <- pMvdc(pData, myMvd.frank)
# let's plot to see what things look like
# why are so many of the days so unlikely? this seems wrong
# I've seen this no matter my selectin of distribution and (archimedean) copula
# so far I've tried fitting truncated normal, weibull, truncated lognormal, truncated logis,
# gamma and exponential distributions but nothing seems to work
ggplot(as.data.frame(cdf_frank), aes(cdf_frank, ..density..)) +
stat_bin(bins = 100) +
ggtitle("CDF of Frank Copula over all daily observations")
# first load the data
dropFile <-
testData <- repmis::source_data(dropFile, sep = ",", header = TRUE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
testData$V1 <- NULL
testData$time <- lubridate::mdy_hm(testData$time)
# now let's try fitting a normal to demonstrate
for (i in unique(hour(testData$time))){
thishour <- which(hour(testData$time)==i)
fw <- fitdist(testData[thishour, ]$obs, "norm", start = c(1,1))
par(mfrow = c(2, 2), oma=c(0,0,2,0))
plot.legend <- "Normal"
denscomp(list(fw), legendtext = plot.legend)
qqcomp(list(fw), legendtext = plot.legend)
cdfcomp(list(fw), legendtext = plot.legend)
ppcomp(list(fw), legendtext = plot.legend)
title(paste("For Hour", i), outer = TRUE)
# clearly a normal isn't the way to go - better would probably be a
# weibull or GPD, but this serves as a good example
# maybe a truncated distribution
# from here we'll contruct a joint distribution using copulas
# now capture the distributions fitted to each hour
groupDist <- function(x, time.colname="time", data.colname="obs",
distribution, timeFUN = hour, startlist = NULL) {
timeFUN <- match.fun(timeFUN)
distList <- list()
for (i in unique(timeFUN(x[,time.colname]))){
timeiter <- which(timeFUN(x[,time.colname])==i)
fg <- fitdist(x[timeiter, data.colname], distribution,
start = startlist)
distList[[i + 1]] <- fg
fitList <- groupDist(testData, distribution = "norm",
startlist = c(1,1))
param_list <- list()
for (i in seq_along(fitList)){
param_list[[i]] <-
list(mean = as.numeric(fitList[[i]]$estimate[1]),
sd = as.numeric(fitList[[i]]$estimate[2]))
# now let's reorder the data so that it fits well into copula functions
testData$hour <- hour(testData$time)
testData$date <- date(testData$time)
testData$time <- NULL
wide_data <- spread(testData, hour, obs)
# for now we'll remove all rows with missing data
wide_data <- wide_data[complete.cases(wide_data[,
names(wide_data) != "time"]),]
# this data doesn't fit in [0,1] as needed for `copula`, so we use pobs()
pData <- pobs(wide_data[, names(wide_data) != "time"])
# now we want to fit a copula to the data
# I'm not sure how to select which copula to use,
# but I suspect I need an Archimedean
# as dim > 2
# let's arbitrarily choose a Frank copula for now
frank_model <- archmCopula("frank", dim = ncol(pData))
fit.f <- fitCopula(frank_model, pData, method = 'ml')
frank_model <- archmCopula("frank", dim = ncol(pData))
fit.f <- fitCopula(frank_model, pData, method = 'ml')
# creating our joint distribution given the marginal distributions
# and our copula
myMvd.frank <- mvdc(copula = frankCopula(
param = as.numeric(coef(fit.f)), dim = ncol(pData)),
margins = rep("norm", ncol(pData)), paramMargins = param_list)
# finally, we have the CDF of the joint distribution
cdf_frank <- pMvdc(pData, myMvd.frank)
# let's plot to see what things look like
# why are so many of the days so unlikely? this seems wrong
# I've seen this no matter my selectin of distribution and
# (archimedean) copula
# so far I've tried fitting truncated normal, weibull, truncated
# lognormal, truncated logis,
# gamma and exponential distributions but nothing seems to work
ggplot(as.data.frame(cdf_frank), aes(cdf_frank, ..density..)) +
stat_bin(bins = 100) +
ggtitle("CDF of Frank Copula over all daily observations")