In the draft for Sutton's latest RL book (see, page 270), he derives the REINFORCE algorithm from the policy gradient theorem. The first part is the equivalence
$$\sum_{s}d_\pi(s)\sum_{a}{q_\pi(s,a)\nabla\pi_(a|s,\theta)} = \mathbf{E}[\gamma^t\sum_{a}{q_\pi(S_t,a)\nabla\pi_(a|S_t,\theta)}] $$$$\sum_{s}d_\pi(s)\sum_{a}{q_\pi(s,a)\nabla\pi (a|s,\theta)} = \mathbf{E}[\gamma^t\sum_{a}{q_\pi(S_t,a)\nabla\pi (a|S_t,\theta)}] $$
where $$d_\pi(s) = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty}{\gamma^kP(S_k = s | S_0, \pi)}$$
This makes intuitive sense (we just sample our trajectory, and we expect that we will average the long term trajectory), but I'm having trouble deriving this analytically. The discount factor $\gamma^t$ stops us from treating $d_\pi$ as simply a probability distribution, so we aren't just taking the expected value over the states. Can anyone point me in the right direction please?