I have two datasets that are very similar (such as two survey dataset that contains common variables and from a common period of time). How do I compare the result of the same model from two different data in order to see whether two datasets provide similar results?
I used this model for both data sets:
basic ordered logit regression such as "Obama's approval rating ~ democrat + republican + age + income + education + latino + black"
My first idea was to subtract Data A from Data B, compute the model with new data C(=$data_B$-$data_A$), and see if the coefficients are zero ($\beta_{B-A}$=0). But I don't think this is a proper approach.
Anther post "http"https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/198820/comparing-two-datasets-with-same-variable?rq=1" asks similar question, but it is different from my question since I would like to compare the same model result from two different dataset.