As for your other questions: If there are more than two properties, you can expand the solution methodology in the obvious way and it will still work. I'm not sure how your other question works; if
The more complex situation is when $P(A)$$p_x$ and $p_y$ are themselves estimates based on samples. I'd jointly estimate $p_x$, $p_y$, and $N$ in that case, which can be done with a nested procedure that iterates over $N$ in an outer loop, and, in an inner optimization, estimates $p_x$ and $p_y$ given all the data and $N$. (As you will see, this is estimated fromquite straightforward; given $N_A$$N$, it's just the usual estimate of $p_x$ and $p_y$.) We then you knowfind the $N_A$ so there's nothing left$N$ which maximizes the log likelihood as before.
The likelihood function is more complex. Let's denote the other information with $N_a$ and $N_b$ sample sizes and observed values $x_a$ and $y_b$. We have:
$L(N,p_x,p_y) = {{N}\choose{x}}p_x^x(1-p_x)^{N-x} {{N_a}\choose{x_a}}p_x^{x_a}(1-p_x)^{N_a-x_a} \dots$
where the $\dots$ save us from writing out the $p_y$ part. Obviously we can combine some terms, but this form makes it a little easier to see what's going on.
Now for the R code. I'll assume, for concreteness, that $N_a=200$ and $x_a=68$, giving the point estimate for $p_x=0.34$, and $N_b=100$, $y_b=10$, giving the point estimate for $p_y=0.1$.
log.ll <- function(px, py, N, x, y, Na, Nb, xa, yb) {
dbinom(x, N, px, log=TRUE) + dbinom(y, N, py, log=TRUE) +
dbinom(xa, Na, px, log=TRUE) + dbinom(yb, Nb, py, log=TRUE)
x = 45
y = 16
Na = 200
Nb = 100
xa = 68
yb = 10
log.ll.N <- rep(-Inf,200)
for (N in 51:200) {
px.hat <- (x+xa)/(N+Na)
py.hat <- (y+yb)/(N+Nb)
log.ll.N[N] <- log.ll(px.hat, py.hat, N, x, y, Na, Nb, xa, yb)
And, for the answers:
> which.max(log.ll.N)
[1] 135
> min(which(2*log.ll.N > max(2*log.ll.N)-qchisq(0.95,1)))
[1] 103
> max(which(2*log.ll.N > max(2*log.ll.N)-qchisq(0.95,1)))
[1] 180
For a slightly different point estimate of 135 for $N$, and a wider confidence interval of 102 - I think181, as befits our new lack of precision about $p_x$ and $p_y$. We can recover our new estimates of $p_x$ and $p_y$ based on our combined sample:
> N <- 135
> (x+xa)/(N+Na)
[1] 0.3373134
> (y+yb)/(N+Nb)
[1] 0.1106383
I mustshould also point out that our confidence interval is based on the profile log likelihood, not be understanding the questionlog likelihood, but it's still a perfectly valid confidence interval.