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I described the SSD - Single Shot detector

How SSDSingle Shot Detectors (SSD) object detection calculates it's class scores and bbx locations?

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How SSD object detection calculates it's class scores and bbx locations?

As in the paper I can understand SSD try to predict object locations and their relevant class scores from different feature maps . SSD

So for each layers there can be different predictions with respect to number of anchor(reference) boxes in different scale.

So if one convolutional feature map has 5 reference boxes there should be class scores and bbx coordinates for each of the reference box .

We do above predictions by sliding a window(kernel Ex: 3*3) over the feature maps of different layers . So what I not clear is connection from sliding window at a position to score layer .

1. It just connection of convolution window output to score layer in a fully connected way ? 2.Or we do some other operation for convolution window output before connecting it to score layer ?