I have fitted a negative binomial regression model to my data, and the summary of this compares latency of 3 resources to that of burrows:
NegativeBinomalLatencyModel <- glm.nb(Latency_s ~ Resource, data = Cricket)
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 4.9416 0.3055 16.178 <2e-16 ***
ResourceFemale 0.3292 0.4895 0.672 0.501
ResourceFood 0.1878 0.4228 0.444 0.657
ResourceNone -0.2179 0.4231 -0.515 0.606
I was wondering how to produce a pairwise comparison of this, comparing each resource to all the other resources.
Thanks very much,