I hope I understood your question. The equation for linear regression (without the intercept) can be written as follows: \begin{equation} y_i=\beta_1x_{i,1}+\beta_2x_{i,2}+…+\beta_{p}x_{i,p}+\epsilon_i. \end{equation} For $(a)$ using the transformation $x_i=x_i+(x_i * x_{i+1})$ and we get the following: \begin{equation} y_i=\beta_1x_{i,1}+\beta_1x^2_{i,1}+\beta_2x_{i,2}+\beta_2x_{i,2}+\beta_2x_{i,2}x_{i,3}+...+\beta_{p}x^2_{i,p}+\epsilon_i \end{equation} For $(b)$ using the transformation $x_i=x_i^2$ and we get the following: \begin{equation} y_i=\beta_1x^2_{i,1}+\beta_2x^2_{i,2}+…+\beta_{p}x^2_{i,p}+\epsilon_i. \end{equation} where $i=1,2,...,t$ and $t$ is some finite integer.
Note: $(a)$ and $(b)$ are still linear.