I am very new to R and I have a problem with the diagnostics of my models...can anyone help me please?
iI have run my model:
Modell_ia8<- glmer(vote~edu1 + age1+ female+eink1+scltrst+poltrst+links1 + links1:edu1 + rechts1 + rechts1:edu1+ (1|country), family = binomial(link="logit"),data=all)
Modell_ia8 <- glmer(vote~edu1 + age1 + female + eink1 + scltrst + poltrst + links1 +
links1:edu1 + rechts1 + rechts1:edu1 + (1|country),
family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = all)
then iThen I came across the DHARMaDHARMa
package and did this:
simulationOutput1 <- simulateResiduals(fittedModel = Modell_ia8,n=100) plot(simulationOutput1)
simulationOutput1 <- simulateResiduals(fittedModel = Modell_ia8,n=100)
I guess the QQ Plot looks good but I do not understand the Residualresidual plot at all.:
- whyWhy is it all black?
- whatWhat do the read lines in the middle and at 0 and 1 mean?
thank you so much in advance!