The ReLU activation function should take care of this.
ReLU works by fitting short, straight lines to approximate curves. That should be able to create a parabola. You will have performance suffer for inputs with very large absolute values, but we know that models won't be perfect.
I was thinking that one hidden layer could take care of this, but reading about the universal approximation theorem (which I suggest doing), we can be more efficient by having fewer nodes in multiple hidden layers than tons of nodes in one hidden layer.
I didn't make this clear three years ago. The universal approximation theorem says that we can approximate on a compact set (on the real line, that means a closed and bounded subset of the number line). Once you go past that bound, all bets are off, which is why I say that you will have performance suffer for inputs with very large absolute values. For a visualization, imagine how an absolute value function ($\vert x\vert = ReLU(x) + ReLU(-x)$) could approximate $y=x^2$ for small numbers, such as $(-1, 1)$, but the approximation is awful for $x=10$, for instance.