I am confused. I don't understand the difference a ARMA and a GARCH process.. to me there are the same no ?
Here is the (G)ARCH(p, q) process
$\sigma_t^2 = \underbrace{ \underbrace{ \alpha_0 + \sum_{i=1}^q \alpha_ir_{t-i}^2} _{ARCH} + \sum_{i=1}^p\beta_i\sigma_{t-i}^2} _{GARCH}$$$\sigma_t^2 = \underbrace{ \underbrace{ \alpha_0 + \sum_{i=1}^q \alpha_ir_{t-i}^2} _{ARCH} + \sum_{i=1}^p\beta_i\sigma_{t-i}^2} _{GARCH}$$
And here is the ARMA(p, q$p, q$):
$ X_t = c + \varepsilon_t + \sum_{i=1}^p \varphi_i X_{t-i} + \sum_{i=1}^q \theta_i \varepsilon_{t-i}.\,$$$ X_t = c + \varepsilon_t + \sum_{i=1}^p \varphi_i X_{t-i} + \sum_{i=1}^q \theta_i \varepsilon_{t-i}.\,$$
Is the ARMA simply an extension of the GARCH, GARCH being used only for returns and with the assumption $r = \sigma\varepsilon$ where $\varepsilon$ follows a strong white process?