I will like to perform and statistical comparison between 3 groups, in order to determine if statistically they are different or not. My data for all of the 3 groups follows a normal distribution. I am aware that in order to test for statistical significance, one can use the t.test
function in r; however, that only allows to compare two groups. So, I was wondering if there is test to test such statistical difference in these 3 groups that I have.
So far my code is the following:
groups<- read.csv("...",header=TRUE)
Output of str(groups)
> str(groups)
'data.frame': 20 obs. of 3 variables:
$ ï..Group.A: num 0.16 -1.32 -0.409 0.128 0.844 ...
$ Group.B : num 0.1673 -0.1368 1.3216 -0.0506 0.1097 ...
$ Group.C : num 1.852 0.707 0.338 -0.327 1.109 ...
Thank you