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For problems with binary classification, ROC ACC CUREroc auc curve or ROC ACC Scoreroc auc score is often used to rate a model. But does the ROC ACC make sense in the context of a binary classification model that outputs only 0 or 1 for each observation (so no probability between [0,1] but only 0, 1)

For problems with binary classification, ROC ACC CURE or ROC ACC Score is often used to rate a model. But does the ROC ACC make sense in the context of a binary classification model that outputs only 0 or 1 for each observation (so no probability between [0,1] but only 0, 1)

For problems with binary classification, roc auc curve or roc auc score is often used to rate a model. But does the ROC ACC make sense in the context of a binary classification model that outputs only 0 or 1 for each observation (so no probability between [0,1] but only 0, 1)

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ROC score for binary classification problem, where the predictions are either 0 or 1

For problems with binary classification, ROC ACC CURE or ROC ACC Score is often used to rate a model. But does the ROC ACC make sense in the context of a binary classification model that outputs only 0 or 1 for each observation (so no probability between [0,1] but only 0, 1)