- model.mn5 <- lmer(anxious ~ num.cm + num.pmc + (1|userid), data =
df, REML = F)
model.mn5 <- lmer(anxious ~ num.cm + num.pmc + (1|userid), data = df, REML = F)
- model.mn5.log <- lmer(log(anxious) ~ num.cm + num.pmc + (1|userid), data = df, REML = F)
model.mn5.log <- lmer(log(anxious) ~ num.cm + num.pmc + (1|userid), data = df, REML = F)
- model.mn5.gamma.log <- glmer(anxious ~ num.cm + num.pmc + (1|userid), data = df, family =
model.mn5.gamma.log <- glmer(anxious ~ num.cm + num.pmc + (1|userid), data = df, family = Gamma(link="log"))
- model.mn5.gamma.id <- glmer(anxious ~ num.cm +
num.pmc + (1|userid), data = df, family = Gamma(link="identity"))
model.mn5.gamma.id <- glmer(anxious ~ num.cm + num.pmc + (1|userid), data = df, family = Gamma(link="identity"))
- model.ord5 <- clmm(anxious ~ num.cm + num.pmc + (1|userid), data =
df, na.action = na.omit)
model.ord5 <- clmm(anxious ~ num.cm + num.pmc + (1|userid), data = df, na.action = na.omit)
is the group mean and num.pmcnum.pmc
is the group-mean-centered score of the predictor)
For the models with count data (frequency of use) as the response variable, I suppose that we might also want to be able to compare poissonPoisson and negative binomial distributions...
Many thanks in advance for your time and consideration! I greatly appreciate any suggestions.
Kind regards,