How to understand the sufficient condition for global optimum? From my understanding, the global optimum should be 0 instead of $\geq 0$, where does this come from?
Consider the constrained optimization problem
$$\underset{\beta \in R^p}{\min}f(\beta) \space \space \space s.t. \space\beta \in C$$
where $f is a convex objective function, and C is a convex constraint set$$f$ is a convex objective function, and $C$ is a convex constraint set
when $f$ is differentiable then a sufficient condition for a vector $\beta^* \in C$ to be a global optimum is :
$$ \langle \triangledown f(\beta^*),\beta - \beta^* \rangle \geq 0 $$ for any $\beta \in C$