I find two different types of formulations for Contextual Bandits:
Definition 1: In a contextual bandits problem, there is a distribution $P$ over $(x,r_1,...,r_k)$, where $x$ is the context, $a \in [k]$ is one of the $k$ arms to be pulled, and $r_a$ is the reward for arm $a$. The problem is a repeated game: on each round, a sample $(x, r_1, ..., r_k)$ is drawn from $P$, the context $x$ is announced, and for precisely one arm $a$ chosen by the player, its reward $r_a$ is revealed.
Definition 2: The algorithm observes the current user $u_t$ and a set $A_t$ of arms or actions together with their feature vectors $x_{t,a}$ for $a \in A_t$. The vector $x_{t,a}$ summarizes information of both the user ut$u_t$ and arm $a$, and will be referred to as the context. Based on observed payoffs in previous trials, A choosesthe agent selects an arm $a_t ∈ A_t$, and receives payoff $r_t,a_t$$r_t$ whose expectation depends on both the user $u_t$ and the arm $a_t$.
The fact that whenWhen stating def. 2, the authors of the paper cite the paper from def. 1: Following"Following previous work work" [(def. 1), we] "we call it a contextual bandit." This is very confusing to me.
In particular, def. 1 assumes that only one context is revealed to the learner. In the second formulation, you observe "contexts" or better features for all the arms. I was thus wondering if there is any equivalence between the two formulations or a way to relate them.