iI have a factorial design 2*2 (A and B). Both variables with two responses high (i coded itcoded as 1) and low (i coded itcoded as 0) and iI have a response variable y $y$, my logistic model include interaction between A and B in R i, I coded logit<-glm(y~ A + B + A:B, data = df, family = "binomial")
, i.
I verified the data and everything is good i. I even ensured the my variables are coded as factors , in the exercise i'mI'm working on iI demonstrated that (check the image)
the yThe $y$ in the picture are the average response. theThe table used to calculate the coefficient is :
theThe coefficient iI found using the formulas in the picture are not equal to the coefficient in the output of R (see image) i
I don't understand where the problem is , i. I hope someone can explain to me the error iI made and thank.
Thank you.