I am trying to find more info about the attached Prediction Accuracy measure used for regression. It is quiet similar to R2 and Nash-sutcliffe Efficiency but not exactly. Googling leads to classification accuracy measures, which is wrong.
Any links, sources or info about the measure is appreciated. Also, is there an API to implement it directly in Python?
Also, the highest possible value with PA is 1 but the output of the formula can givegives any value as can be seen in this code, or is the code wrong?
y_value = [2,4,6,5,8,10]
y_value_test = [1,3,6,7,9,11]
y_value_bar = np.mean(y_value)
y_value_test_bar = np.mean(y_value_test)
upper = np.sum(y_value - y_value_bar)
lower = np.sum(y_value_test - y_value_test_bar)
result = upper/lower