I have multiple subjects walking under three experimental conditions to investigate how the step lengths are affected. Each subject performed all three conditions but the number of steps recorded is different for each experiment. I understand that I have to apply repeated measures ANOVA or paired t-test as the data are sampled from the same subjects but what is the proper way of dealing with the mismatch in sample sizes?
I am running this in Python so it will be great if pointers are given on how to code it.
Added fictitious data samples. For each condition, each subject may have different number of samples.
Condition | Subj A | Subj B | Subj C |
Cond. 1 |0.5, 0.5, 0.55|055|1.31, 01.350, 01.32|005 |0.47, 0.35 75, |0.8|
Cond. 2 |1|0.13, 1.0.35, 10.05|14|0.09, 1.0 |0.95, 0.86, 0.8|5 |
Cond. 3 |0.74, 0.75,35 0.8|0 |0.59, 0.68, 0.58 |0.6, 0.5 |