the difference is in stochastic part or lack of it.
Notice the most recent time index of the stochastic part in your formulation of ARMA: $$X_t=\varepsilon_t+\dots$$ Compare it to GARCH: $$\sigma^2_t=r^2_{t-1}+\dots$$
You can immediately see that in ARMA at future time $t+1$$t$ the disturbance $\varepsilon_{t+1}$$\varepsilon_{t}$ is not yet observed, while in GARCH $r_t$$r_{t-1}$ is already in the past, i.e. observed. Hence, ARMA is stochastic when it comes to forecasting $\hat X_{t+1}|I_t$$\hat X_{t}|I_{t-1}$ and GARCH is not. At time $t$$t-1$ you already have all information to calculate forecast for $t+1$$\hat\sigma^2_t|I_{t-1}$ in GARCH