Further, the common claim that the t-test is very robust obviously needs modification. It's not like we have some bizarre edge-case here. It's clearly not level-robust in this example --- and we haven't yet touched on its power behaviour, which is even more easily impacted.
mean(pp<.01) # We need this to be close to 0.01
mean(pp<.05) # We need this to be close to 0.05
mean(pp<.005) # We need this to be close to 0.005
pp = replicate(100000, t.test(rbinom(100, 1, 1/36), mu=1/36,
mean(pp<.01) # We need this to be close to 0.01
pp = replicate(100000, t.test(rbinom(100, 1, 1/36), mu=1/36,
mean(pp<.05) # We need this to be close to 0.05
pp = replicate(100000, t.test(rbinom(100, 1, 1/36),
mean(pp<.005) # We need this to be close to 0.005