Your interactions of one 3-level categorical predictor with one 2-level categorical predictor (one combination of categories missing) and with a continuous predictor limits you to an intercept plus 9 coefficients. That has nothing to do with this being a mixed model. However you end up coding this, the results should all be identical in terms of outcome predictions at any set of predictor values when all of the interaction terms are taken into account. For example:
With respect to Option 3, creating a single 5-level categorical predictor, you say:
won't this change the lower order interactions and main effects...?
When there are interactions you should be wary of how you interpret regression coefficients for "main effects" or lower order interactions anyway. Those are the values only when all of the interacting predictors at higher levels are at 0 (continuous predictors) or at reference levels (categorical predictors). In your case, re-centering the yr
values would change the intercept and the coefficients and some lower-level interactions (those that omit yr
) of the other predictors. Try this to see:
mod3 <- lmer(biomass ~ fire_trt*fert_trt*I(yr-2.5) + (1|plot) (1|plot:subplot_id), data = my.df)
So don't be put off by that fact alone.
I mightwould lean toward Option 3 but, a 5-level categorical predictor, with post hoc tests of particular coefficient combinations of interest. Russ Lenth illustrates that approach with your data in another answer.
I don't see a harm in using mod2
if you wish. Be very careful in how you do your model comparisons, however. Your mod2
replaces the yr
coefficient in mod1
with a numerically identical fire_trtcon:yr
interaction coefficient. It might be safest to specify each of the "main effects" and interaction terms as defined in mod2
explicitly. That way, if you try to compare models, you can specify what models to compare rather than depend on how R happens to remove columns to fix rank deficiency.
Finally, if you want to compare mixed models having different fixed effects withvia likelihood-based metrics (likelihood-ratio tests on nested models, or the AIC as you indicate in the question), you should not be using the default REML
option for fitting the modelmodels you compare. See this page. Your random-effect estimates will changeAs Russ Lenth notes in a comment, but those don't seem toonce model comparisons are done it would be of primary interest herebest to fit the final model with REML for further analysis.