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Aug 5, 2022 at 22:29 comment added Russ Lenth Oops - I meant "careless" not "cadre less"...
Aug 5, 2022 at 21:38 comment added Russ Lenth That is a cadre less interpretation. Just because something isn't statistically significant doesn't mean it is not there,it just means you can't prove it with enough certainty. In the plot, it appears there is a pretty strong interaction. it'd be interesting to see if it holds up if you collect more data.
Aug 5, 2022 at 21:16 comment added Maelleb26 Sorry I try to explain my question better. I am not sure what I can conclude or not from the model. There is no interaction between time and groupe. There is effect of time. From that effect of time I can conclude that the parameter increase significantly with time. What does the main effect calculation use as data; all subjects values regardless the groups? Or datas from each group? As there is no interaction I can not say if increases is in both group or one group?
Aug 5, 2022 at 17:02 comment added Russ Lenth You say in the first comment "[a]s seen in that graph, there is no interaction between Temps and Groupe." But in your second comment, "....effect of Time found, is about Groupe 1, Groupe 2, or both groups?"; and in the edited post you say you want to see "if the increase is different depending the Group (Groupe)." Do you understand that the latter statements express a wish to investigate the interaction? So you said conflicting things.
Aug 5, 2022 at 8:08 comment added Maelleb26 -With the Anova results, the significant effect of Time found, is about Groupe 1, Groupe 2, or both groups? How can I investigate that question? Thank you very much, I usually am in contact with a stat departments but they are not available during holidays, just trying to keep going :)
Aug 5, 2022 at 7:59 comment added Maelleb26 Hello, Thank you very much for you valuable time, really appreciated. Sorry for my unclear post and questions. Indeed the one-way tests are not appropriate. The emmip function helped me to see better what my model does. As seen in that graph, there is no interaction between Temps and Groupe. That is also what I found with anova on the modelCK. There is a significant effect of factor Temps, but not of Groupe.
Aug 4, 2022 at 22:16 history answered Russ Lenth CC BY-SA 4.0