Edited to addrespond to your comment: I I think you got an output from R looking like this:
So, if you look at the "Fixed effects" part, "group1" effect is an effect comparing group 1 to the control group (estimate for "predictor" is the continuous predictor main effect, here non-significant and negative). Because "group" is a factorial effect, it compares one group to another. "Control" is the default to which "group1" is compared to. That's why it is not shown in the output. With a factorial predictor, you always see in the output the number of levels of the predictor minus 1 level - because that's the level the other levels are compared to.
In my mock data, the results suggest that outcome was lower in group1 than in control group, because the estimate is negative, but not significantly so. If your "group1" effect was significant and positive, it suggests that outcome was significantly higher for people in group1 than in control, and vice versa if it was significant and negative. You get estimated marginal means for "control" and "group1" from emmeans package:
Or, you can of course check and plot raw means by group too.