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Ben Bolker
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We get the same p-value for math (for example) using aod::wald.test:

wald.test(b=coef(m1), Sigma=vcov(m1), Term=4)
Wald test:

Chi-squared test:
X2 = 43.8, df = 1, P(> X2) = 3.6e-11

(The X2 value is the square of the z-value listed in the glm summary)

We get the same p-value for math (for example) using aod::wald.test:

wald.test(b=coef(m1), Sigma=vcov(m1), Term=4)
Wald test:

Chi-squared test:
X2 = 43.8, df = 1, P(> X2) = 3.6e-11

(The X2 value is the square of the z-value listed in the glm summary)

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Ben Bolker
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  • for a categorical (factor) variable, summary() gives you a test for every level of the factor (except the baseline/first), representing differences between the baseline and other levels; drop1() gives you a single p-value for the combined effects (you can use car::Anova() to get a single Wald-based p-value per factor variable)
  • for a numeric predictor, or a factor with only two levels (such as gender in most but not all cases), you'll get a single p-value either way, but they won't be identical. Both methods strongly reject the null hypothesis that there is no effect of math, but the p-values aren't the same (3.6e-11 for Wald and 1.96e-11 for LRT)
  • for a categorical (factor) variable, summary() gives you a test for every level of the factor (except the baseline/first), representing differences between the baseline and other levels; drop1() gives you a single p-value for the combined effects (you can use car::Anova() to get a single Wald-based p-value per factor variable)
  • for a numeric predictor, or a factor with only two levels (such as gender in most but not all cases), you'll get a single p-value either way, but they won't be identical. Both methods strongly reject the null hypothesis that there is no effect of math, but the p-values aren't the same (3.6e-11 for Wald and 1.96e-11 for LRT)
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Ben Bolker
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Assuming that you're using glm(), which is the standard/most-used tool for fitting Poisson regressions in R: the $p$-values in the table printed by summary() are so-called Wald p-values, which make a specific assumption about the sampling distribution of the parameter estimates (specifically that they are [multivariate] Normal, or equivalently that the log-likelihood surface is quadratic). The $p$-values that you get from a likelihood ratio test (e.g., with anova(full_model, restricted_model) where restricted_model omits the focal parameter, or drop1(full_model)) also makes an assumption (that 2 x the log-likelihood difference between the models follows a chi-squared distribution when the null hypothesis is true), but the LRT assumption is much weaker than the one assumed by the Wald p-values, so the LRT $p$-values are in general more accurate.

As a side note, your statement that "... this variable is significant and should be included ..." makes me a bit nervous, as it suggests that you are using hypothesis testing to decide on the structure of your final model, which may be problematic (see this answer) ...

As an example from UCLA OARC:

p <- read.csv("")
p <- within(p, {
  prog <- factor(prog, levels=1:3, labels=c("General", "Academic", 
  id <- factor(id)
m1 <- glm(num_awards ~ prog + math, family="poisson", data=p)

Wald (summary())

              Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)    -5.24712    0.65845  -7.969 1.60e-15 ***
progAcademic    1.08386    0.35825   3.025  0.00248 ** 
progVocational  0.36981    0.44107   0.838  0.40179    
math            0.07015    0.01060   6.619 3.63e-11 ***

LRT (drop1)

drop1(m1, test= "Chisq")
Single term deletions

num_awards ~ prog + math
       Df Deviance    AIC    LRT  Pr(>Chi)    
<none>      189.45 373.50                     
prog    2   204.02 384.08 14.572 0.0006852 ***
math    1   234.46 416.51 45.010  1.96e-11 ***

You'll note a few differences here ...