Suppose we have some data sample $x_1, x_2, ... x_n$ that came from some true probability distribution function $f(x; \theta)$.
Based on this sample, i am interested in estimating $\theta$ using Maximum Likelihood Estimation, but I incorrectly assume that it came from some distribution $g(x; \theta)$.
I have the following question about misspecification and robustness:
As my choice of $g(x; \theta)$ deviates further away from $f(x; \theta)$ : How strongly do the properties of the MLE's of $\hat{\theta}$ get affected relative to their true values $\theta$ ?
Here are my guesses:
- Bias: Even under the correct distribution MLE estimates can be unbiasedbiased. Therefore, under the incorrect distribution, the MLE estimates should behave the possibility of being even more biased?
- Consistency: The MLE estimates for $g(x, \theta)$ will converge in probability (for large samples) to the true values of $g(x, \theta)$ .... but obviously will not converge to the correct values of $f(x, \theta)$
- Asymptotic Normal: For large sample sizes, under the incorrect distribution, the estimates of $g(x, \theta)$ will still be asymptotically normal - but this will be meaningless as they are not cantered around the correct location of $f(x, \theta)$
- Minimum Variance: Again, I think this property will also be respected under the incorrect choice of distribution, but unfortunately this will be meaningless as the distribution choice was incorrect.
Is this the right intuition?