When you add Gaussian noise, the smallest and largest observations are no longer sufficient for and MLEs of $a,b$.
Instead consider the likelihood which, in the usual way, is given by the product of the density of each $\mathbf{y}_i$, in this case given by \begin{align} f(\mathbf{y})&=\int_a^b f(\mathbf{y}|z)f(z)dz \\&=\frac1{2\pi\sigma_v^2}\int_a^b e^{-\frac1{2\sigma_v^2}[(y_1-z)^2+y_2^2]}\frac1{b-a}dz \\&=\frac1{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma_u}e^{-\frac{y_2^2}{2\sigma_u^2}}\frac{\Phi(\frac{y_1-a}{\sigma_u})-\Phi(\frac{y_1-b}{\sigma_u})}{b-a}, \end{align} where $\Phi$ is the standard normal cdf.
The resulting likelihood (or its log) should be straightforward to maximise numerically with respect to $a, b, \sigma_u^2$.
I would expect the MLEs of $a$ and $b$ to be biased, however, just like in the case of uniform observations without Gaussian noise, so some form of bias correction may be needed.
A simpler alternative is perhaps the method-of-moments. With three unknown parameters, we must equate three empirical and theoretical central moments. Since the theoretical skew is zero and so does not depend on $a$, $b$ and $\sigma$, the first, second and forth central moments should be used.
Yet anotherAn alternative is Bayesian inference, perhaps using an improper uniform prior $\pi(\theta_1)\propto 1$ on $\theta_1=\frac{a+b}2$ and an independent scale prior $\pi(\sigma_u)\propto \frac1{\sigma_u}$ on $\sigma_u$. It would be tempting to use an independent, improper scale prior also on $\theta_2=b-a$ but I believe this would make the posterior improper (as in Hobert (1996)) as the likelihood tends to a positive limit as $\theta_2 \rightarrow 0$. A sensible way around this would be to assume that $\sigma_u$ and $\theta_2$ instead are of similar orders of magnitude, e.g. by letting $\pi(\theta_2|\sigma_u)$ be lognormal with a suitable variance.
The argument for the conditional informative prior $\pi(\theta_2|\sigma_u)$ also applies if $\sigma_u$ is known. Thus, completely "objective" Bayesian inference does not seem feasible for this model.