I'm writing an MCMC algorithm in R and I'm wondering about the following: say we have two parameters, theta_1$\theta_1$ and thera_2$\theta_2$. I want to update each one at a time from the corresponding posterior conditional distributions. Say theta_1^{(0)}$\theta_1^{(0)}$ and theta_2^{(0)},$\theta_2^{(0)}$ are the initial values, the. Then at iteration 1 I update first theta_1$\theta_1$ from
theta_1^{(1)} ~ f(theta_1 | theta_2^{(0)}, Data)$\theta_1^{(1)} \sim f(\theta_1 | \theta_2^{(0)}, \text{Data})$
Now when updating theta_2$\theta_2$, I should use
theta_2^{(1)} ~ f(theta_2 | theta_1^{(1)}, Data)$\theta_2^{(1)} \sim f(\theta_2 | \theta_1^{(1)}, \text{Data})$
Is there a theoretical problem if when updating theta_2$\theta_2$ I use theta_1^{(0)}$\theta_1^{(0)}$ I instead of theta_1^{(1)}$\theta_1^{(1)}$? That is
theta_2^{(1)} ~ f(theta_2 | theta_1^{(0)}, Data)$\theta_2^{(1)} \sim f(\theta_2 | \theta_1^{(0)}, \text{Data})$?
Thanks in advance for any hints.