Here's my counterexample using a regression of body fat percentage on thigh circumference, skinfold thicknessskin fold thickness*, and midarmmid arm circumference:
The last Stata command graphs the confidence region for 2 of the regression coefficients (a 2two dimensional analog of the familiar confidence intervals) along with the point estimates (red dot). The confidence ellipse for the skinfoldskin fold thickness and thigh circumference coefficients is long, narrow and tilted, reflecting the collinearity in the regressors. There's high negative covariance between the estimated coefficients. The ellipse covers parts of the vertical and the horizontal axes, which means that we cannot reject the individual hypotheses that the $\beta$s are zero, though we can reject the joint null that both are since the ellipse does not cover the origin. In other words, either thigh and triceps are relevant for body fat, but you can't determine which one is the culprit.
In estimating the coefficients of each regressor, only the first will be used. Common variation is ignored since it cannot be allocated, though it is used in prediction and calculating $R^2$. When there is little unique information, the confidence will be low and coefficient variances will be high. The higher the multicollinearity, the smaller the unique variation, and the greater the variances.
*The skin fold is the width of a fold of skin taken over the triceps muscle, and measured using a caliper.