iI have been looking for thea function that can make recursive window out-of-sample forecastforecasts, but seems there is none. so imSo I'm thinking about about makemaking a function that can be use asused for recursive window forecasting in an ARIMA model. however iHowever I know little about programming., so I'm seeking for help.
what iWhat I want to do is usinguse the function forecast.Arima forecast.Arima
(zooforecast package) to predict future valuevalues in a expendingexpanding window, say(20years. Suppose 20 years is the initial window,and expend and I expand the window by 1 more year on each time till 30years), more specificiteration until it is of size 30 years. More specifically, use 20years data20 years data to predict one value and, use 21years21 years data to predict the next value.....ect, etc.