I am trying to understand the influence of several predictors (n=8) on the presence or absence of a species using generalized linear mixed models. Unfortunately, I do not have great data. I have 13000 points, of which 300 are 1 (presence) and the rest 0 (absence). After encountering problems of convergence and high eigenvalues, I now believe the problem lies in my data, specifically, there being too many 0s. I wonder if using a zero-inflated model would resolve these issues.
Post the GlmmTMB, I do model selection to choose the best model using delta AIC. Below is my code:
SP1 <- cbind(Data_scaled,
SP1 = Data$SP1,
Dist_ID = Data$Dist_ID)
SP1_Final <- SP1 %>% dplyr::select(ProtectedAreas, TRI,
Water, Perc_NR, Perc_TB, Settlements, Precipitation,
HMI, SP1, Dist_ID)
SP1_ZIGLMM <- glmmTMB(SP1 ~ ProtectedAreas + TDF + Water + Perc_NR +
Settlements + TRI+ Perc_TB + Precipitation + (1 | Dist_ID),
data = SP1_Final, family = binomial,
ziformula = ~ 1,
na.action = na.fail,# Zero-inflation model (intercept-only model)
control = glmmTMBControl(optimizer = "nlminb", # Changed optimizer
optCtrl = list(iter.max = 100000)))
SP1model_set_sample <- dredge(SP1_ZIGLMM)